Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Modeling, Modeling, Modeling.

Hi everyone, my name is Megan Devine, and if you're reading this, it's probably because you have some questions about modeling, like where to start, what does it take, ect.
Well, ever since i was a little girl, i knew i wanted to be a model, and be famous, and everything that comes with that. Around the age or 6 i started competitive figure staking, i really enjoyed that but it wasn't taking me where i wanted to go. So i skated for 2 and half years and around the age of 8 i told my mom i wanted to be a model/actress, so her mom INSTINCTS(: kicked in and she did what she could to make it happen. First she started looking for local photographers to get headshots, and then when we go those done, she started looking around for an agents then we got an agent and started working more and more. Then over the years everything kind of fell into place.

Now for "what does it take?"... Well, the first thing that pops into my head when someone asks me that question, is confidence. You really really reallyyyyyeleleyy have to believe in yourself. In the industry there is this saying "you'll hear 100 no's before one yes", & thats so true, and you really have to learn not to take that personally, because there is a billion other girls and guys just like you wanting to do this same thing. Second thing,
SUPPORT. If you don't have support, then you don't have your fan base. Especially with your family. They are your stepping stone, without them, you wouldn't exists.
Okay, third thing i think of when i'm asked what it takes is, the ability to take care of yourself. You need to feel good, and with feeling good comes looking good. You have to look like you take care of yourself as well.
Forth thing, money. I wish it wasn't a factor but it is. You have to invest in professional photos and classes.

For you guys who don't know what a headshot is, its professional photo taken of your face. it looks something like that photo to the left.

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a comment. (: thanks for reading.